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Hi Honey…We Need To Talk Pt. 02

Hi Honey...We Need To Talk
1. Hi Honey…We Need To Talk Pt. 02




Hi y’all.

My name is Tony Wheeler. No, not Anthony. I don’t know why. It was just the name on my birth certificate, along with John and Wheeler. I was one of those kids who got a bit lost in the mighty system of Child Protection Services.

The story I was told, was that both my parents died from drug overdoses when I was 3 years old. A neighbor heard me crying for several hours, and when she came to check, she found them dead and me dirty and hungry.

She was elderly and couldn’t do much, but she took me home, cleaned me up and fed me. Then she laid me in a warm bed and called the police.

Throughout my life, whenever I have been under great stress, an image of an older woman comes to me and I calm down quickly. I believe this is the woman who found me those years ago.

Thanks to our wonderful system, I was shuffled around 7 foster homes, not all of which were pleasant, until I finished high school. During my last year of school, I was with an older couple who treated me very well. I talked with Peter & Mary during that year, and I told them I didn’t expect them to pay for my college. I knew Peter had used the GI Bill for his college and told them I wanted to do the same. I could see the relief on their faces.

The day after I graduated, I gave Mary a kiss on her cheek, shook Peter’s hand, gave them both a big hug, then jumped on the bus. I was off to join the army, travel the world, meet lots of interesting people and kill them… Well maybe not kill them, but I wanted to uphold truth, justice and the American way.

Jill and I had our meeting with the President, and with a recommendation from Jack, along with her background, he agreed to allow me to bring her up to date. I was not allowed to give any specific details of missions, which she understood. When we returned home, I set about telling her the other part of my life…


When I arrived at boot camp, I was assigned to a bunk with a guy named David Jones. He insisted everyone call him Dave. Why this guy was in the army had me stumped. He could have just stepped off the cover of G Q Magazine. 6ft 3inch tall, broad shoulders, square chiseled jawline and a deep, baritone voice. If I wasn’t so straight, he would be the one to get me to bat for the other team. Thankfully, he was straight too.

Thanks to communal showers, Dave earned the nickname ‘The Big D’. When we went out on a very rare furlough, he got embarrassed if we called him that in front of women. To me, he seemed to be scared of women. One day I started telling him my life story and got him to open up and tell me his. I was stunned. Here was a guy who could have any woman he wanted. But the only one he wanted was his high school sweetheart, Otterly. Problem was, she broke up with him 5 months before school finished and ended up marrying one of the rich kids. What a bitch!!

After our talk, Dave and I became best of friends. We always had each others back. He helped me with my weaknesses and I helped him with his. As a team, we were unstoppable. Three days before our basic training ended, our Sergeant called Dave and I out and told us to follow him. We marched at almost double time to the Colonel’s office. When we got there our Sergeant knocked twice on the door. When the Colonel said enter, our Sergeant opened the door, stepped back and motioned us in. When we were through the door, he closed it and we heard him walk away.

We stood at attention until the Colonel told us “At ease and please take a seat gentlemen!” Dave and I quickly glanced at each other as we sat. We both knew this wasn’t normal.

The Colonel sat back in his chair with his arms folded and stared at us for about 30 seconds. Very un-nerving. When he spoke, it was with a serious tone. He said, “Anything we say here today will not leave this room, understood?!” We both agreed with a ‘Yes Sir’ and he pulled out two sheets of paper and slid them over to us and said, “Sign these!”. We did. They were non-disclosure statements.

He proceeded to tell us of the many good reports he received about our training. How well we worked together and on our own. It seemed we had the ability to quickly identify any threats and come up with effective plans ‘on the fly’. He told us of a program the army had to train soldiers who showed promise in the areas needed.

He warned us there was a 99% fail rate, and if you failed once, you didn’t get a second chance. He also told us that he knew Seals, Special Forces and Black Ops had tried and every one of them failed. He suggested we have a think about it and let him know our decision in the next couple of days. As we stood, Dave and I looked at each other and nodded. At the same time, we both spoke as one and said “Sir, we’re in!” A smile spread across the Colonel’s face. He nodded and said he would be in touch. Couldn’t wipe the grins off our faces for the rest of the day.

I can’t go into any real detail, but the training was hard, damn hard. Dave and I figured out the reason the Seals etc failed was because thought they already knew it all. They didn’t listen.

Dave and I were like sponges. We sucked in all the information we were given. How to eat. How to exercise. How to pace our bodies to conserve energy. Breathing exercises. Both unarmed and armed hand to hand combat. Weapons training. Electronics. Computers. Even how to fly helicopters and planes. I think we learnt everything the army knew. Including how to disarm a nuclear bomb.

After two years of intense training, we were deemed ready. As I said, I can’t give any details, but we were the ones called when all the others turned down the job. We reported only to the Secretary of Defense and the President.

The majority of our work is carried out around the world. However there are times when we are called upon to assist at home. Don’t believe them when they say the CIA only work outside the USA. We have also assisted the DEA and FBI at times.

When we went to ‘work’, we were expected to be self sufficient. Some even called us a ‘one man army’. Although we were extremely well trained, none of us would agree with that description. Our squad consisted of 20 members. Apart from Dave, I never knew the names of the others. All we had were call signs. Just another level of security.

The mission that cut short my army career started just like all the others. I received my orders and packed my kit, then headed the helicopter for transfer to the local Airforce Base. From there I traveled to, lets just say north west of Egypt. I carried out my mission successfully and was returning to base when I hit an IED.

It was only a small device, but unfortunately I wasn’t driving a Humvee. I was stuck with a Lada. Hey, it was all I could acquire at the time. I was in a hurry, and couldn’t pick and choose. Luckily I caught up with a small American convoy and joined with them.

I was placed in one of their Humvee’s and taken the base medical center. The doctors there stabilized me and sent me on to Germany. I don’t remember much until I woke up In Germany 4 days later.

The doctors told me I would recover, but would need a few months of rehab. My injuries included 2 fractured ribs, a severe concussion, various cuts and bruises. They weren’t too bad, but the biggest problem was my broken pelvis. That would keep me out for at least 6 months.

It took a bit longer than those 6 months. By the end of my rehab, I knew I would be most likely leaving the army. I fought hard to stay, but in the end I knew it was the right decision. With the dangers we faced, if you’re not 100% ready, you will die.

By using some creative bookwork and some ‘high level’ influence, I was soon a qualified CPA in Texas. After only 3 years, my business had a turnover in the high 7 figures, thanks to having the Federal Government as one of my clients. I had 4 other accountants, an office manager and an IT guy who made most geeks seem normal. I know Jill has already filled you in on who they are, so I won’t repeat what has been said.


I stayed somewhat in contact with the squad, as the army didn’t want to lose the experience I had gained over the years. In fact, all former squad members could be call on anytime to give advice and opinions in any situation.

That was how I originally heard about Jill. The FBI Director in charge of the Texas area, Jack Jones, a man I had worked with previously, called me with case they were working on. It was extremely time sensitive. He gave me a quick rundown and I thought it was ballsy enough to work.

Then he mentioned that Jill would have to be involved in the raid, but Frank, her partner would be there. I had met Frank as well and knew he was a good man. Jack was concerned for her safety, as he looked on her as a daughter. I told him to trust me and I would have things covered, as long as he covered the paperwork. He said “No problem” and I could hear the smile in his voice as we hung up.

I loaded my kit, including my 50 cal sniper rifle, honestly it was just the first one I picked up, and found a spot 2 blocks from the warehouse. It was the only place that gave me a clear field and kept me concealed from prying eyes. Everything went perfectly, until one gang member who had managed to hide off to the side, quietly crawled to the rear of the van where Jill was waiting. I had my sights set on his shoulder. Just before I fired, Jill moved into my fire line. I quickly readjusted, but unfortunately he lost his head. Damn glad I wouldn’t have to clean that van.

Jack came to my office a few days later to thank me for my assistance. I told him all I did was keep an eye on Jill as he asked. He laughed, then produced a bottle of Glenfiddich 18 scotch. As we had a ‘sip’, he passed on Frank’s thanks, I just smiled, nodded my head, and returned my regards.

Before he left, he told me there had been an increase in drug trafficking over the last few months. This was the largest shipment so far. He asked if I could put some feelers out and see what I could come up with. I told him it would be a pleasure.

I guess I should tell you more about my business. The 4 accountants who work for me are ex-service personnel. What can I say, I like their work ethic. I know I have their loyalty. There are two guys and two girls. It makes for a nice balance.

My IT guy is Billy. What can I say about Billy??? Jill already described his looks, so I won’t repeat that. He came to me on a recommendation from Dave. I didn’t bother checking references. If Dave sent him, he must be good. As for his skills, it wouldn’t surprise me if he was the one who set up the dark web. He has been with us 2 years and I have had to upgrade our computers 3 times. I think we have more computing power than NASA.

Then there is my office manager, Louise. She is 38 and absolutely beautiful. I’m sure she gets hit on daily. Her two teenage boys are turning out to be fine young men. She has been a widow for nearly 5 years. Her husband was a DEA agent until he was killed in a gunfight during a drug bust.

That brings us to what make us very tight knit family. Every one of us has lost someone to drugs. Each of us are always ready to give an encouraging word or a hug when needed. It is reassuring to know you are surrounded by those who understand where you’re coming from.

I called them all together and told them what Jack asked of me. Each of them offered to do anything they could. I happened to glance at Billy, and could see a gleam in his eyes that told me this was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

As everyone was leaving my office, I asked Billy to stay for a few minutes. When we were alone, I looked at him and said “I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I know it’s going to be good”. He proceeded to ask my how far he could go. Were there any boundaries he couldn’t cross?

I told him, as long as he didn’t cause problems for innocent people, I was good with it. He smiled and I’m sure I saw him shiver with excitement. He was chomping at the bit to get started, so I sent him on his way. He almost ran out of my office. It’s good to have enthusiastic employees!


The next few months cruised along, while we gathered information on the drug trade. Everyone seemed to be ‘going above and beyond’. Putting in more than the normal hours. One Friday morning, just before lunch, I called everyone into my office. They were looking at me expectantly when I told them, with a grim expression, that I have to close the office and for them to go home. Each and every one of them looked totally dejected. Louise spoke for all of them when she asked, with a quiver in her voice, “Why?”

As I looked at all of them, I broke into grin and said “Because you have all been working so hard, we need a break before we all burn out. Enjoy your long weekend, and I’ll see you all Monday morning.”

Louise rose and walked to me, then slapped me so hard I had to check if my nose was still on my face. Everyone burst out laughing. When everyone had settled, we closed down the office and went our separate ways.

When I arrived home, I decided to do some much neglected chores around the place. Not one of my favorite pastimes. When I had finished that, I was feeling rather hungry. So I showered and headed out to find food.

There was a small Mom & Pop diner 5 blocks from my condo. It reminded me of Mary’s cooking that I loved so much. I had a nice meatloaf with mashed potato and green beans, all covered with gravy. You could call it one of my comfort foods.

While I had a second cup of coffee, I called Peter and Mary, just to check in with them. I always tried to call about once a month since I left the army. They kept me somewhat grounded in reality. I so wish they could have been my real parents.

When I had finished my call and coffee, I paid the bill, leaving a large tip for tying up a table for so long. I didn’t feel like returning home yet, so I strolled toward downtown. As I walked, I came to a bar with good music playing. Deciding to go in, I paid my $2 and entered.

I waited until my eyes adjusted, then found my way to the bar. I ordered a lite beer, it was drilled into us during our training about always being alert, then sat on my stool to survey the scene. I noticed a table of 6 girls who drew a lot of attention.

5 of the girls were constantly dancing with one guy or another. The 6th never got up once, even though I saw her asked many times. I thought she might be the designated driver for the night. It was getting late, so I decided to have one more coke, already having reached my self imposed limit of 2 lite beers an hour ago, then head on home.

When I finished my drink and stood to leave, I decided on a whim to ask that girl to dance, fully expecting to be rejected like all the rest.

Now, in no way I could be considered handsome. Maybe a 5 on the 10 scale at best. So imagine my shock, when after a couple of seconds thought, that girl said yes to a dance with me. We chatted as we danced and exchanged names. When she told me her name was Jill, it made me look closer at her. There was no way I could be sure, because the only view I had of Agent Jill was from 200 yards away, through a gunsight and it lasted for half a second at best.

I put that thought out of my mind and we danced on and off for the next two hours. I had no idea where the time went. When her girlfriends were ready to leave, we exchanged numbers. We started dating not long after that.

The next day, I called Jack and confirmed she was Agent Jill. Now that was a surprise. The fickle fingers of fate seemed to be at work. I reminded him that due to the nature of my previous work, it would be best if he didn’t mention to Jill, any connection between us. He agreed. I did tell him that if the need and opportunity arose, I would tell her what she needed to know.

Over the next year, while Jill and I dated, my crew, well mostly Billy, worked his magic and built up a profile on the drug gang. I hadn’t been lazing around either. Through some of my contacts, I investigated all the gang members who were arrested in the bust. I found all the information on them I could, then paid each of them a visit in jail.

After I showed them photos of their familys at home, at school, at work and generally going about their everyday lives, each of them got the same speech. I told them I wanted to know everything they knew about the drug cartel operating in our area.

The first three didn’t want to co-operate, but after I spoke to them about their immediate familys safety, they were taken back to their cells. They complained to the warden about my threats. He just said “I never heard any threats and unfortunately the video feed in the interview room is broken.”

I returned the next day and began again. It seems word spreads quickly in a prison. All 8 gang members seemed eager to talk to me. I didn’t get any major intelligence, mostly because these guys weren’t high enough up the chain.

However I did get one name. Alf Martinz. So I set Billy loose on him.


It took nearly 3 months to compile details on the cartel that was led by Martinz. Billy had come up with a way to monitor their communications in real time. Not only their phones, but their computers as well. I knew it was illegal, but I gave him a raise anyway.

We now knew the routes they planned to use and the timing of their shipments. During this time, the cartel kept supplying the smaller gangs with drugs. Billy believed this was mostly to find out if the DEA were tracking them.

Louise told me I needed to find a way to bring Jill into the fold. I said to Louise, that I couldn’t let Jill know I was involved at this time, but I would when the time was right. I left it up to her how to handle things. I knew I could trust her judgement.

I did have hide a grin a few days later when Jill told me about an anonymous email she received on her personal email account. When I went to work the next morning, I walked to the whiteboard and wrote SHADO HQ on it. Louise looked at me with a smirk, then wiped it off.

I kept in touch with Jack and Frank. Billy came up with a devious way to pass on our intelligence. He set up a laptop with a dummy external hard drive, which I then passed on to Frank. I gave him the story to tell Jill about how it worked. All Frank had to do was enter a code which would signal Billy to forward the information.

They would involve the local police, so it would look like the gangs just got sloppy with their security. That way, the cartel didn’t see any involvement from the FBI & DEA.

Billy was able to send false information to the cartel, leading them to believe the FBI & DEA were looking toward other areas of the country where drugs were coming over the border. It seemed to work as the cartel started planning another large shipment, believing things had died down.

During this time, I had an epiphany. I realized just how much I loved Jill. It hit me one day, like a shovel across the back of the head. Fortunately, Jill gave me the opening I needed that night. She asked me how I saw my future. When I told her, then asked her to marry me and she burst out crying, I thought I had blown it big time. When she had settled down, she reminded me that she couldn’t have children. That seemed to be her biggest worry. I did want children, but would forego them to be with her. I was smart enough not to admit that to her though.

When she started to stress about her parents, I insisted on calling them and setting up a meeting. Jill told you how that week went, but what she didn’t know was while she was out with her school friends, I spoke with her parents. I asked their permission to marry Jill and they gave it. They knew I was successful in my career, so they felt assured for her future.

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